Charity Fund

My Charity Fund attached House of Avida – Couture and Charity® is a central and very important part of the business. The Foundation provides self-help to fellow human beings in need of a new start in life so that they will have the ability to change their living conditions.

The Charity fund can give loan or donations to projects which can change life conditions for the better to one or more people. The Foundation provides self-help in the form of donations or loans on particularly favorable terms for fellow human beings in need of a new start in life so that they will get the ability to change their living conditions. Project which can make a difference on living conditions for one or more than one person can apply to the fund.

From each sales from the collection 1% will go directly into the Charity fund.

If you need a new start in life for some reason and need to improve your living conditions for yourself. Or maybe you have a good idea for a project to help yourself or others, then you can apply Couture and Charity Fund.

Tell me a little about yourself, your background how you will pay back the money and how your project can improve your or others’ living conditions.

Include documentation in the form of business plan with budgets and annual statement and photo documentation.

You can write to me at the following e-mail: